XC4VFX20-10FFG672I is a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) developed by Xilinx, a leading semiconductor technology company. This device features 18,816 logic cells, 243 Kb of block RAM, and 24 Digital Signal Processing (DSP) blocks, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. It operates on a 1.0V to 1.2V power supply and supports various I/O standards such as LVCMOS, LVDS, and PCI Express. The -10 speed grade of this FPGA allows it to operate up to 450 MHz. The device comes in a flip-chip fine-pitch ball grid array (FFG672I) package with 672 pins, providing high pin-count connectivity for various applications. XC4VFX20-10FFG672I is commonly used in applications such as industrial automation, image and video processing, and automotive systems. The device is known for its high processing capacity, low power consumption, and high-speed performance, making it a reliable solution for a variety of applications.
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